Overcoming challenges in English

In English this term we started a challenge project.

There were 4 options from us to choose from.

Option 1: Community Sports Project

Research, plan and present a proposal for a sports project here at school.

Possibly using the school pool site.

Option 2: Interview an Athlete: Research, contact and interview an athlete who has overcome a challenge in their life or sport.

Option 3: Set Yourself a Challenge: Research and plan a sports goal for yourself. Read about overcoming challenges and write about how you have succeeded in it.

Option 4: Create a Challenge: Plan a sport activity for the class that will help them overcome the challenge of “supporting each other.”

I chose option 3 which is set yourself a challenge. After you chose your option we had to write a big question and mine was. What strategies are used in hand balancing and what strategies do I need to use or learn to use?

I chose this option because hand balancing is something I am interested in. I don't know if this is something that will be long term or if it will take me somewhere in the future but I still want to get better at it because it is something that I can do and I like doing it.
We had to make a presentation to show the class what we had done so far.
I am still working on my challenge I have seen some strategies to help me keep a handstand longer and some have been working, doing different poses to see what one I can hold a handstand in longer and they one I can hold the longest is a double stag.


  1. Great work Sophie. I like that you've included your personal motivation for keeping up with hand balancing. I think you should include some more examples of what hand balancing is, as well as explaining some of the benefits or the satisfaction you get from doing it.


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